Your PR agency in Brisbane.


Looking for a Queensland-based public relations agency to get your message out? A media professional who can get the facts, present them in a newsworthy way, and deliver them in the right format?

Or media strategy services without the PR agency overheads?

Ask me, I’m a journalist.


Strategies to boost your PR.

Newsworthy stories 

Writing a press release or media release is very similar to writing a news story.

You need the detail: who, what, when, where, how and why. And you need it all in the first few snappy pars.

Then you add a voice of authority. Throw in some background to make sure it is relevant and understandable to the audience. Then give them a reason to care about the story.

Media release writing is in a set format, but it takes practice to do it well.

I’ve written thousands of articles for The Australian, national media and international newspapers. I know how to write a media release and how to get the message out.


The right format

So what are busy journalists looking for when they receive the information?

They want the facts and why it matters to the public. It sounds simple but takes practice to perfect.

Here is a guide if you want to know more.

Media strategy includes:

  • news releases
  • media mapping
  • media strategy as outlets change
  • organising media interviews
  • writing opinion pieces
  • creating newsworthy content

Your boutique PR consultant.


Press release writing

Do you know what you want to say but not how to say it?

I can help write an effective news release that resonates with the media. This is what you need:

  • the facts
  • compelling quotes
  • emotional connection.

After writing hundreds of stories as a journalist, I can write your media release.




Public relations

When don’t know how negotiate the media, I can help.

Getting the pitch right is as important as getting the message right. You need to contact:

  • the right media
  • at the right time
  • with the right story for them.

I know how newsrooms work because I worked in many of them for many years. I can help bring your story to a broader audience.


Media strategy

When you have a complex issue to communicate with the public or you’re advocating for change, media engagement is crucial.

A media strategy will map how to communicate your ideas to the public.

Within a broader communications strategy, a media plan will highlight: 

  • key audiences
  • key messages
  • timelines and targets.

Media strategy in action.

Confederation of Indian Industry media tour

India is the world’s fastest-growing large economy, home to one in five of the global population under 30. 

The Asian superpower is Australia’s fourth-largest trading partner. And there are many opportunities for this bilateral relationship to grow.

Indian business peak body – the Confederation of Indian Industry – acknowledged an awareness and knowledge gap between Australia and India. They sought to organise a delegation of Australian journalists from The Australian, Australian Financial Review, Channel 7, The Daily Telegraph and The Courier Mail to visit Indian corporations in late 2019.

I assisted with the planning of the delegation alongside teams from the world-class corporates and organisations. In November 2019 I accompanied the delegation as the media contact and liaised between the media and businesses.

The resulting media coverage was more than 90 articles across print, online and broadcast that reached 3.2 million people.


When a press release hits home.

Launch "Goldilocks" press release for The City Report

Together with the very clever Rob Tyson, I created a fast turnaround media release and strategy to highlight his economic research, The City Report.
This comprehensive analysis of economic growth and inclusive growth in Australia used the most recent government economic indicators to rank each of our nation’s 101 cities.
Turns out it was the “not too big, not too small” Goldilocks cities that topped the list, including Ballarat, Geelong, Newcastle and Wollongong. So we contacted media in those places, as well as national outlets. Here’s what we did.
Effective media pitching still works. Mass media remains an effective way to achieve mass communication and drive awareness and results.
The resulting coverage has included:
  • a national AAP news story, republished in the Daily Mail UK and the UAE’s Arab Times
  • four ABC interviews
  • an SBS TV interview
  • a WIN television piece
  • coverage in daily newspapers across the country.
According to Coveragebook, it amounted to an estimated online readership of 330,000 from readership of 338 million with significant regional coverage.
Polis Partners media release Rosanne Barrett

“She has a very good understanding of the Australian media landscape and maintains strong contacts within it. It was a great collaboration that made the delegation a great showcase of the growing trade links between India and Australia.”

Abhay Mehta

Australian Representative, Confederation of Indian Industry

Rosanne Barrett professional business writing brisbane

Highlight your impact.

Quality content, writing and websites. Contact me now.

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International Association of Business Communicators