RSM thought leadership: Brisbane Report

Women laughing

The brief:

The Brisbane office of the global professional services firm RSM wanted to highlight the growth trajectory of their home city. The opportunities emerging from developments and initiatives ahead of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games are merging with population growth to create strong opportunities across a range of sectors. The goal was to develop a research report to showcase these opportunities, and connect with the Brisbane business community.


The project:

We developed a broad outline to cover the main aspects of Brisbane’s growth story across industries. Together with local subject matter experts and business leaders, we developed a narrative about Brisbane’s key strengths, but also the challenges the city’s leaders must overcome to achieve them. We were able to secure Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner to write the foreword, and local high-profile Brisbane residents Li Cunxin, Lady Jane Edwards, Andrew Flannery, Gary Smith and Narendran Sinnathamby to comment for the report.

The outcome:

The thought leadership report provided a well-researched analysis of Brisbane’s growth opportunities. It was released to coincide with RSM Brisbane’s tenth anniversary of operations in Brisbane, and was well-received by industry. The report also garnered local, national and international media coverage.